Saturday, April 2, 2011

Frozen Ropes Session: What to Wear/Bring

Today's pitcher/catcher session at Frozen Ropes will be a little different than a typical baseball practice. We will be focusing only on pitching and catching. We will be indoors, on turf.

At a typical practice, we want all players to wear baseball pants, a protective cup, and cleats. However, for this Frozen Ropes session, players may wear sweats or shorts if they prefer (baseball pants are fine, too). Players should wear sneakers--no cleats. Only those players who want to do any catcher work will need to wear a protective cup. A cup is not required today for those players who only want to focus on pitching, but it may not be a bad idea for today's pitchers to begin the habit of cup-wearing, too.

All players should bring their glove. They will not need a bat or helmet as we will not be hitting today.

Please arrive 10 minutes early if you can to take care of any necessary paperwork.

We're very excited about today's session!